Farnham Geological Society

Farnham Geological Society Meetings

Archive Part V: 2021 — 2025

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NOTE: If a copy of the lecture is not available a similar topic may be presented instead.

Lecture Speaker Date
Fossil Viruses and the roles of viruses in Earth Science Maurice E Tucker 2025-02-14
Dinosaurs! The True History of Their Scientific Discovery Emma Nicholls 2025-01-10
The history of oil and gas exploration west of Shetland Nick Schofield 2024-12-13
The UK Search for a Geological Disposal Facility – The Role of the Geosphere in Deep Nuclear Waste Disposal Jason Canning 2024-11-08
The enigmatic Ice Age boulders of the West Sussex Coastal Plain David Bone 2024-10-04
The exploration and exploitation of the moon Paul Kuin 2024-09-06
Brief encounters with geology in Peru - journey by plane, coach and boat Sally Pritchard 2024-07-12
Conservation past, present and future Colin Prosser 2024-06-14
From Chalk to Peat – 100 million years in the Lambourn Valley Lesley Dunlop 2024-05-17
Remote monitoring of an active urban mud volcano Dr Andrew Hart 2024-04-12
The De-glaciation of Deeside, Aberdeenshire Dr Stuart Archer 2024-03-08
What did the last ice age do for us? Scotland during the last ice age Professor Emrys Phillips 2024-02-09
The Great Dying, The end Permian Mass Extinction Mike Caulfield 2024-01-12
The rotating earth and plate tectonics Dr Bob Maurer 2023-12-08
Asteroids and Comets – an introduction Mike Millar 2023-11-10
Minerals of the Mourne Mountains Dr Norman Moles 2023-10-20
Coccoliths not only make the chalk but also microfossils of extraordinary utility, complexity and beauty Dr Jeremy Young 2023-09-15
A whistle stop geological trip through America's Old West Tessa Seward 2023-07-17
The Anthropocene, a new Geological Epoch Dr Colin Summerhayes SPRI 2023-06-02
Fire in the Carboniferous Earth System Dr Andrew Scott RHUL 2023-05-12
Bumps in the bay Dr Dan Bosence RHUL 2023-04-14
Sir Arthur Russell and his Mineral Collection Dr Roy Starkey 2023-03-10
Impact Craters and Planetary Science Dr Ken Amor Oxford University 2023-02-10
One small typo and two igneous adventures: Island hopping from the Scillies to Sicily Peter Crow FGS 2023-01-13
Lead, Zinc and the North Pennine Ore Field Richard Sutch 2022-12-09
Bite Club. Reconstructing past diet in Ice Age carnivores Prof Danielle Shreve RHUL 2022-11-04
Devonian Mass Extinctions what the Old Red Sandstones tell us Dr John Marshall NOC Southampton 2022-10-21
Influence of Geology on the London Underground Railways Dr Jonathon Gammon Geotechnical Observations Ltd 2022-09-23
Western Canada and the Burgess Shales Janet Catchpole and Colin Brash FGS 2022-07-08
Why are the Andes so High? Dr Laura Evenstar Brighton University 2022-06-17
Carboniferous plants from Coseley: biology, environments, collectors and the future Dr Lil Stevens NHM 2022-05-13
Glaciations of the British Isles Prof Jim Rose RHUL 2022-04-01
New Visions of a Lost World Prof Mike Benton Bristol University 2022-02-11
The 2021 eruption of Fagradalsfjall on Iceland – a personal account Tessa Seward FGS 2022-01-14
Lost Worlds of the Solar System Dr Hilary Downes Birkbeck 2021-12-10
Exploring Life at Deep-sea Hydrothermal Vents: Patterns in Space and Time Dr Jon Copley NOC Southampton 2021-11-12
Colours in NHM Robin Hansen NHM 2021-10-08
Tales from the offshore; random stories of working in the oil industry Liz Aston, Mick Caulfield and Mike Millar - FGS 2021-09-10
Is it a Meteorite, Precious Gem or Dinosaur Claw? Behind the scenes at Natural History Museum’s Identification and Advisory Service Christina Fisher and Ben Dixon NHM 2021-07-09
Ammonite Extinction and K-Pg Boundary in the Gulf Coastal Plain USA Dr James Witts 2021-06-11
Exceptionally preserved Cambrian Arthropods and their role in understanding arthropod evolution Dr Greg Edgecombe NHM 2021-05-14
Climate archives of Caves and Stalagmites Dr David Mattey RHUL 2021-04-09
Investigating Precambrian Glaciations from Bottom Up, Subglacial Geomorphology from China and USA Thomas Vandyk Postgrad Research Student RHUL 2021-03-12
The Middle Jurassic Bearreraig Sandstone Formation of Skye and Raasay: An analogue for North Sea reservoir analogues with tidal influence Dr Stuart Archer RPS Energy 2021-02-12
AGM, sic itur ad astra Exploring the geology of some interesting moons Mike Millar FGS 2021-01-08