Farnham Geological Society

Farnham Geological Society Meetings

Archive Part III: 2011 — 2015

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Lecture Speaker Date
Excursion to Oman Michael Cumming Harrow and Hillingdon Geosoc 2011-01-14
Isotope geology – the history of the Earth Dr Paul Stevenson University of Surrey 2011-02-11
Oceans, volcanoes and climate of the Cretaceous Dr Ian Jarvis Kingston University 2011-03-18
Landslide activity at Paphos in Cyprus Dr Andrew Hart URS Scott Wilson Ltd 2011-04-08
Wildfire the geological history of fire Prof Andrew Scott Royal Holloway College 2011-05-13
Horsham stone and Sussex marble Dr Roger Birch Collyers College, Horsham 2011-06-10
New Zealand earthquake & Madeira DVD Dr John Gahan Farnham Geosoc 2011-07-08
How Britain became an island Dr Sanjeev Gupta Imperial College 2011-10-21
Properties, occurence and value of gemstones Prof Andrew Rankin Kingston University 2011-11-11
Geology of the London basin Dr Michael de Freitas Imperial College 2011-12-09
Dam and blast Derek Jerram Member of Farnham Geological Society 2013-01-11
Earthquakes in Surrey Dr Doug White D C White & Partners 2013-02-08
Herefordshire's exceptionally preserved fossils Prof Derek Siveter Oxford University 2013-03-08
Geology of East Greenland & Svalbad James Cresswell GeoTravel 2013-04-12
Creating your own seismic profiles through the Weald basin Malcolm Butler Consultant 2013-05-10
Evolution of the Zagros Mountains Dr John Cosgrove Imperial College 2013-06-14>
Geology of British Columbia Komatiite, an ultramafic volcanic rock Liz Aston Member FGS, John Stanley Member FGS 2013-07-12
The Geology of Portugal Dr Lesley Dunlop Northumbria University 2013-09-13
An introduction to the Paris Basin Prof Rory Mortimore University of Brighton 2013-10-11
Unusual Devonian igneous intrusions found in Kola Peninsula, NW Russia Chris Fone Reading Geological Society 2013-11-08
Devonian Fishes Dr Peter Forey Natural History Museum 2013-12-06
A Geologist in Persia Dr Graham Williams Member FGS 2014-01-10
Digital mapping at BGS Dr Leanne Hughes BGS 2014-02-14
Lucky planet Dr David Waltham Royal Holloway College 2014-03-07
Exploring a Quaternary volcano in Eastern Turkey Jeremy Goff BP 2014-04-04
Bronze age mining in Ireland Dr Norman Moles University of Brighton 2014-05-09
Landslides and Subsidence Dr David Shilston Technical Director, Atkins Ltd 2014-06-13
Snapshots of Chile Cape Verde Islands Jean Davies Member FGS, Susan Williams Member FGS 2014-07-11
Meaning of Meteorites Dr Ted Nield Geological Society, London 2014-09-12
A geological perspective on climate change Dr Colin Summerhayes Polar Institute, Cambridge 2014-10-10
Seafloor Methane Gas Hydrates Dr Angus Best National Oceanography Centre, Southampton 2014-11-21
21st Century Fieldwork Dr Leanne Hughes BGS 2014-12-12
Geology from a train seat Dr John Williams Member FGS 2015-01-09
Sills and shallow magma chambers Dr Zoe Barnett Royal Holloway College 2015-02-13
Remote sensing in Greenland Dr Philippa Mason Imperial College, London 2015-03-20
Forecasting volcanic eruptions Dr Richard Wall Univsersity College, London 2015-04-10
Historic building stones and Geology of West Sussex churches Dr David Bone 2015-05-08
Moon rocks: their origin and evolution Dr William Joyce Birkbeck College 2015-06-12
History of tectonics in the Alps Dr Mike Streule Imperial College, London 2015-09-11
Jade: its tectonic formation, geochemistry and archaeology in East Asia Dr Gina Barnes SOAS, London 2015-10-09
English Channel Neanderthals Dr Josephine Mills University College, London 2015-11-06
A brief history of time in 10 fossils Dr Paul Taylor Natural History Museum 2015-12-11